Shinsadong Tiger accused of plagiarizing Russian girl group Serebro

Article: [Exclusive] Momoland's 'Bboom Bbom' under suspicion of plagiarizing Russian girl group Serebro's 'Mi Mi Mi'

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Nate [video links in source]

1. [+282, -13] Ah, I also thought the song was similar to something I had previously heard too

2. [+222, -13] Hmm... the guitar rift, the sounds towards the end... More than anything, Momoland's verse at 38 seconds sounds exactly the same as Serebro's verse at 1 min... I didn't think it was plagiarized so much at first but now that I listen to the two together, it does seem like that.

3. [+221, -9] This is aegyo compared to how hard Teddy plagiarized

4. [+17, -5] Momoland already lost by the breasts...

5. [+14, -3] We need to get rid of these idol groups. Please put these kids back in school.

6. [+14, -1] Wow~~~ their girl group is on another scale ㅎㅎ ooh~~~~

7. [+13, -2] After watching both videos, I have concluded that Russian girls are love

8. [+11, -3] Russia wins

9. [+8, -0] Serebro wins

10. [+8, -1] Russian nunas... they may copy your songs but they can never copy your bodies so feel better

11. [+6, -1] Can we please plagiarize their breasts instead

12. [+6, -3] I didn't think it sounded similar to anything when I heard 'Bboom Bboom' and I don't really hear it now that it's being compared either


Article: Shinsadong Tiger reps, "Momoland's 'Bboom Bboom' was not plagiarized, misunderstanding caused by common chord"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+90, -4] Everyone always says no

2. [+82, -3] Well duh he's going to deny it, he's not going to be like "Aigoo I did plagiarize ㅜㅜ my bad" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ There's so much money invested into these songs and one wrong word from any of them can cause dozens of people to lose money

3. [+70, -3] It sounds totally the same though...

4. [+13, -2] Korea plagiarizes an awful lot...

5. [+12, -1] I guess nowadays you gotta not have any shame if you want to make money

6. [+11, -5] Maybe they purposely plagiarized to use it as media play. That Russian girl group isn't even popular in Korea, how would any of us have known ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+9, -1] There's only so much you can do when you have autotune do all your work for you... tsk tsk tsk

8. [+3, -1] Tsk tsk, how do these people sleep at night making money like this? Just don't bother putting out a statement~
