Leeteuk confesses about the monotony of his life

Article: SuJu Leeteuk confesses his feelings on SNS, "Every day feels like a repeat of an endless routine"

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+3,153, -137] You get to go out overseas all the time to have concerts and make tons of money... if you think that's a repeat of the same routine, then I guess people like me who work in the same office staring at the same computer for piss poor pay should just go die

2. [+2,832, -97] The rest of us live like that too

3. [+2,380, -61] Everyone lives like that. I'd really agree if celebrities did have it harder than the rest of us but if he's tired of the same monotonous routine, it's the same for the rest of us too, probably even worse. At least celebrities get to switch it up once in a while by going overseas... the rest of us are trapped in our offices.

4. [+124, -5] We all live like that. Just for lesser pay than you.

5. [+118, -4] We wake up in the morning and leave the house in less than an hour to take the same path to work so that we can sit in the same chair for 10 hours before taking the same road back home to wash up and then sleep only to repeat the same thing the next day... we do this 5 days a week, all month long, all year long... is he joking right now?

6. [+79, -6] Another talentless idol who doesn't know how good he has it

7. [+75, -17] We all feel the same with our lives but I think he posted this for consolation so I'll tell him to find strength

8. [+67, -5] And yet he does it for pay that the rest of us could never dream of making ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+59, -10] So many people are getting attention for depression now and it's like he wants a piece of the attention too. At least you don't have to clock in every morning. How dare you run your mouth like that when the people who really live monotonous lives are the rest of us?

10. [+47, -3] He chose this life and he can take a break if he can't handle it anymore... the rest of us are living much harder monotonous lives for much less pay.

11. [+46, -3] F*ck, I clock in every day at 9 am and clock out at 10 pm and hearing an idol say this crap just grinds my gears

12. [+34, -4] Talk about being spoiled... at least you guys can make all your money up front and retire in peace... the rest of us have to work until the day we die.
