Sunmi wins #1 on 'M! Countdown'

Article: 'M! Countdown' Sunmi chokes up at #1 "Thank you for believing in and loving me"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,002, -59] So today's #1 trophy goes to Cheryl Cole's 'Fight For This Love'... Cheryl, are you watching? Congratulations!! You just won #1 in Korea

2. [+714, -45] Hul ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+710, -45] Teddy, Sunmi, amazing, just amazing

4. [+57, -6] No shame at all. Copied everything from the outfits to the dances... how can she claim that she really didn't know?

5. [+55, -7] Sunmi, you forgot to thank Teddy for blatantly plagiarizing everything

6. [+49, -6] Her mentality is giving me a mental breakdown

7. [+39, -7] Korea's hopeless ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+39, -9] B*tch

9. [+30, -2] Even if she didn't produce the song herself, how can she not feel embarrassed at all?

10. [+26, -4] An embarrassment to K-POP all over the world


Source: Naver

1. [+2,155, -568] Congratulations on confidently winning #1 with a plagiarized song

2. [+1,137, -182] I always find people who live life by keeping their ears covered to be so selfish~

3. [+758, -152] Everyone please go read Dispatch's article on Teddy

4. [+402, -125] Koreas music market... is an embarrassment to the world. Getting to win #1 with a plagiarized song... ㅎ

5. [+387, -135] #1 with plagiarism;;

6. [+347, -129] Fans need to knock it off with the shields and just admit it already. The song was plagiarized and she is shameless, both are true.

7. [+302, -91] Korean producers need to put themselves in the shoes of others. How would they like it if their work was being plagiarized by other countries and winning #1 and making money like this?

8. [+294, -92] I'm speechless that a controversial song like this is #1.... is the world even bothering to change??????
