Ex-Jewelry member Lee Ji Hyun to get remarried next month

Article: [Exclusive] Lee Ji Hyun "Getting married in September... he is an optometrist, a dependable person"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+496, -7] I hope she thought this decision through~~

2. [+413, -42] Getting remarried to a doctor ㅋㅋ I guess it's worth enduring the hate to get married again

3. [+412, -8] Well... congratulations. Hopefully he really is a good person this time. Be happy..

4. [+50, -32] ㅋㅋㅋ He's obviously someone who has had his nose in the books all his life and innocently fell for her pretty face. Meanwhile she spent her life as an idol dating anyone she wanted before getting married and now landing an innocent, wealthy doctor for a remarriage ㅋㅋㅋ the reality of Korea

5. [+49, -10] How can you get remarried so fast after your divorce? Well I guess it's possible but that's living life on high speed;;

6. [+41, -2] Isn't this way too fast?

7. [+29, -2] Is it a first marriage for her new husband? Hul

8. [+29, -5] Hope she's happy~ she's still young, she shouldn't be expected to live the rest of her life alone

9. [+26, -8] Daebak, getting remarried so soon after a divorce. Hope she's happy ㅠㅠ

10. [+18, -4] I bet that doctor's mother is heartbroken... Spent all her energy raising her son to be a doctor only for him to get married to some divorced woman with two kids. Jeez...

11. [+16, -1] She was married for 3 years... divorced for 1... and now remarried. I feel like she should've taken her time. Starting a new family with kids already from a past marriage is no easy feat... I hope she's happy, at least for the sake of her kids.

12. [+16, -2] Obviously for his wealth


Source: Naver

1. [+4,058, -135] Wow, fast...

2. [+2,351, -60] Hopefully she has a happy marriage this time..

3. [+1,914, -87] Funny title... "optometrist", "dependable person"

4. [+1,914, -222] The kids do need a man in the house... she made a good decision. I support her~

5. [+1,179, -85] Congratulations~~ I support you

6. [+714, -31] I know it's none of my business but this nuna seems to act on impulse. She got married the first time really fast because "he felt right" and it hasn't even been that long since her divorce which means she couldn't have dated this new man for that long and she's already rushing into marriage again

7. [+676, -30] Too rushed... This being her second time and all, you'd expect her to take her time and be more careful this time

8. [+512, -25] Why so fast though...
