Yoo In Na shows off her flawless skin for 'W' pictorial

Article: "Flawless skin" Yoo In Na, the wannabe of women

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+386, -45] She got more work done. Eyes, nose. And tons of fillers in her lips.

2. [+299, -24] Too unnatural looking

3. [+262, -22] I'm pretty sure most men were shocked when they first saw her pre-surgery photos

4. [+28, -6] What's up with her double eyelids...?

5. [+26, -2] Such a Gangnam face. Nothing natural or unique about her.

6. [+23, -1] I don't think it's her nose, I think she got more double eyelid surgery

7. [+18, -2] She was pretty in 'Goblin', why'd she get more work done.. ugh, people really don't know when to stop with plastic surgery

8. [+17, -3] She was already pretty, sigh... why did she do more

9. [+14, -4] Looks like she did her nose again... it looks way bigger...

10. [+14, -2] Oh no, those eyes...
