Same Old: Park Soo Jin

Article: Park Soo Jin, retiring after marriage?

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+314, -20] Perfect example of status elevation through marriage

2. [+262, -9] Ugh... life is so hard... when am I going to save money, buy a house, and get married...

3. [+262, -19] Wait, she was an actress? I don't even remember any of her works..

4. [+29, -0] She never even had any acting works, what is there to retire from

5. [+24, -1] Not like she's doing anything right now, nothing to retire from...


Article: [Exclusive] 'Bae Yong Joon lover' Park Soo Jin leaves for Italy with Lizzy

: OSEN via Nate

1. [+642, -140] It's weird how Bae Yong Joon seemed like such a wall but now he seems to have dropped in status after announcing his marriage to her. Weird indeed.

2. [+607, -206] What any other woman in Korea got married better than Park Soo Jin? Noh Hyun Jung was at least an anchorwoman before getting married to a chaebol so she had some status but Park Soo Jin is pretty much like a servant girl getting married to the king.

3. [+347, -92] A pretty mantis ^^

4. [+40, -5] Goes all the way to Italy just to eat food... makes money off of eating ㅋㅋㅋ being pretty gets you everything

5. [+33, -5] Must be nice to live life on easy mode

6. [+26, -4] Brave Journalists talked about her before. Said she hit on every male co-star in her dramas and was obsessive to the point where she'd call you 200 times until you picked up.

7. [+21, -4] Seriously? An exclusive for this? ㅋ

8. [+19, -2] My mom and all of the other adults I know asked why Bae Yong Joon was getting married to a kid like her. The public sentiment is generally like this... it's not just women being bitter haters ㅋ


Article: 'Bae Yong Joon fiancee' Park Soo Jin is now Hallyu-level popularity... every little schedule earns attention

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+70, -15] It's basically like a nurse's aid at a hospital getting married to a major doctor

2. [+54, -6] Pretty mantis

3. [+54, -8] She'll now be known more as Bae Yong Joon's wife than Park Soo Jin herself

4. [+25, -17] This is totally a marriage between a chaebol and a middle class family. She's not even as pretty as the girls I've dated and Bae Yong Joon could totally do better... he could meet any AAAAAAAAA+ woman in looks or wealth because he's a chaebol.
