AOA show off their voracious appetite

Article: AOA's 'explosive eating'... a pile of bones left on the table

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+2,973, -64] Can't imagine how hungry they must be... at least they can use the show as an excuse to eat up..

2. [+1,689, -62] A woman's appetite... ㅎ Women truly exercise to eat!!!!

3. [+1,549, -148] Good to see girl groups not afraid to eat ㅋㅋ A Pink, AOA, and Girl's Day..

4. [+1,151, -101] How cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's good to see

5. [+142, -5] They're all so thin with their work outs, choreography practices, and broadcast schedules. I hope they can use the TV as an excuse to eat up, especially since they're all at an age where they should be eating as much as they can to grow.

6. [+140, -9] The company really starves them, I'm glad they're using the TV as an excuse to eat..

7. [+99, -6] That witch lady is going to yell at them again~~

8. [+129, -38] Don't be fooled, girls eat a lot, just that they act like they don't
