TV: Celebrity babies varieties dying down in popularity?

Article: The downfall of 'Dad!'... even 'Superman' can't rest assured

Source: Oh My News via Naver

1. [+4,326, -124] Superman's over the minute they lose the triplets. Dad! should've kept the show it was in the beginning but they kept listening to viewer demands and started trying weird things which is what eventually led to its downfall.

2. [+4,114, -76] Just stick to the original concept of dads going through the struggles of solo parenting. Stop with the guests, stop with bringing moms on.

3. [+3,196, -130] Varieties are a trend too and trends pass.

4. [+2,940, -92] There's only so much varieties centered around babies can do, like in the case of 'Oh My Baby'. Superman's only hanging on because of the triplets. Once their popularity dies down, the show's over too.

5. [+2,522, -100] Why can't we just enjoy the children for what they are...

6. [+581, -33] Remember what Song Daddy said in his interview... that he wouldn't have brought them on to the show if they were at an age where they were aware of the cameras... Makes me realize that he'll know exactly when to take them off the show too so stop worrying.

7. [+522, -71] I don't get why people are accusing Yoon Hoo of being aware of the cameras;;;; he doesn't. I think he's cute and innocent.. please stop judging these kids by your standards.

8. [+399, -22] Yoon Hoo kicked off the baby variety trend and I think triplets will be the ones who end it. Yoon Hoo was a sensation and there won't be any more kids who can beat the triplets' current popularity.

9. [+349, -18] Superman is completely reliant on when the triplets leave the show
