Hollywood: Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom

Article: Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr get divorced after 3 years 'why?'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,317, -62] Men will never be satisfied, even if married to Kim Tae Hee

2. [+1,091, -45] If even Miranda Kerr's husband cheats on her.......... does that mean men are able to get tired of Miranda's face and body???? How can you even think of looking at another b*tch while living with Miranda??????

3. [+765, -30] Hul... I hope this is a misreport

4. [+52, -5] How can you cheat on a goddess like her!! ㅠㅠ It breaks my heart to see a perfect couple like break apart...

5. [+23, -4] Is it like Rain trash and Se7en trash leaving Kim Tae Hee and Park Han Byul for room salon girls? Exactly how charming is the other woman that he's able to leave Miran behind and cheat on her...


Article: Orlando Bloom's kiss with Condola Rashad 'is it because of this that Miranda Kerr was divorced?'

Source: Newsen via Nate + Naver

1. [+467, -11] Orlando would have to be crazy to leave Miranda for her?? ㅋㅋㅋ I want to believe this is fake ㅠㅠ

2. [+385, -7] If I were him, I'd want to rush him as fast as possible to see Miranda Kerr..

3. [+297, -5] What's wrong with his eyes..

4. [+145, -9] Crazy... you're going to regret this

5. [+137, -13] Miranda Kerr is 100 times prettier
