Hyuna discharged from the hospital

Article: Hyuna discharged from the hospital today "Promotions on hold.. she will be resting for the time being"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+198, -8] Whether Hyuna's promoting or sick, the journalists only ever use those types of photos for her articles ㅋㅋ

2. [+196, -18] I could definitely feel Hyuna's absence in today's Inkigayo stage. Get better soon and make your comeback~

3. [+194, -19] I can't believe people are making up rumors about her being pregnant when her hospital and room were already revealed...

4. [+171, -49] Hyuna's always suffered from habitual enteritis. She'd easily get sick and faint even during the Wonder Girls and be unable to perform.. That's why Hyuna's parents were against her being a singer and why she left the group. It's the trashy haters that made up nasty rumors about her being pregnant.

5. [+102, -19] Hyuna really does have habitual enteritis. She threw up blood once after a stage rehearsal. She's already going through a hard time so don't make up such horrible rumors.
