Hollywood: Anne Hathaway, Beyonce/Jay-Z, Kristen Stewart/Rob Pattinson, Justin Bieber

I've been getting a lot of odd requests for reactions to foreign celebrities... They do come up the rankings from time to time (mostly Twilight stars or anyone in Korea for a visit) so I thought I'd just round em all up for a post. It won't be a regular feature or anything... but I hope it satisfies some curiosities.


'Les Miserables' Anne Hathaway wins best supporting actress 'tearful' [Golden Globes]

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+362, -5] Wow, seriously congratulations!!! That movie made me realize that she looks gorgeous no matter what hair style she's put in. She's such a great actress ㅜㅜ

2. [+406, -50] Now this is the kind of actress that deserves an award... Instead in our country, we have bi*ches like Suzy come out and win awards... What a disgrace

3. [+332, -3] I got goose bumps listening to her sing in the beginning of the movie... She didn't have a lot of parts and I didn't know she was such a great actress until now.. So much congrats!!!!!!!!!


Article: Beyonce and Jay Z gift their daughter a doll worth $80,000?... Criticisms galore

Sports Seoul via Nate

1. [+323, -13] This couple makes over $80 million a year. That's basically the same as a couple who makes $10,000 a month buying their daughter a $10 doll... We all live according to our own standards. They're buying it with their own money so why should anyone care?

2. [+237, -10] They earned that money and they're spending what they want on their kid. I don't get the problem.

3. [+203, -11] Why would anyone care how anyone else spends their money?


Article: Rumors swirl about a possible break up between Kristen Stewart and Pattinson

Mydaily via Nate

1. [+151, -8] Regardless of whether they're still together or broken up, I see Pattinson in a new light after this ordeal~ I got the impression that he was a player and like any other Hollywood star his age but he's actually quite romantic towards Stewart and sees only her..

2. [+106, -10] What is up with this couple???

3. [+45, -5] They're doing fine, pictures of them having fun in London have been all over the place. I doubt the rumors about them breaking up are true! Why are our country's journalists so obsessed with this couple? Just leave them alone.


Article: Justin Bieber charged on suspicions for assaulting his body guard + nonpayment of wages

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+115, -3] Why does he have so many antis? I heard that his antis were in the 800 millions? Why is that? Because he wears his pants down low?
- Maybe if he picks his pants back up, his antis will go down
- I feel kind of bad for him too because he has so many antis
- I heard it's because his musical skills are exaggerated and that his only fans are young girls
- Well overexaggerated + he spends so much money on his girlfriend at such a young age
- He's also famous for cheating on his girlfriends
- Seeing as how he makes over $50 million a year, he must have more fans than antis
- That anti number is a lie. It's just that his antis really, really hate him and are vocal about it. I don't think he has that many antis. He probably has more fans.
- Maybe because they think he's gay.
- He kind of looks like a kid trying hard to look like an adult
- I didn't have any interest in him until some audition contestant sang his song. I looked it up and he's actually a good singer. Maybe he has a bad image because he's so popular and rich at a young age.
- Yeah, I second the gay theory. A lot of people said his voice was girly when he sang "Baby". Out of my 10 friends, only 1 is a Bieber fan.

2. [+62, -6] Hul, he failed to pay $400,000 in payments?

3. [+35, -5] He should pick up his pants first ㅎㅎ


This is pretty much the case for any Bieber article. Koreans have such an odd fascination with him. They're truly and genuinely curious as to why he has so many antis in the west.