
These are some general housekeeping stuff for the site.

First of all, I think I'm going to get rid of the sliders at the top of the site because I realize I don't have the time to be constantly updating them (it's a lot of finding pictures, resizing them to fit, and losing an eyeball over finding missing codes because I always screw something up when I switch them around).

I'm going to switch them out instead with random pictures of K-Pop stars so I'll take the first five suggestions for that and switch them whenever I feel we're all tired of seeing the same pictures.


About requests...

I'll be honest, I haven't gotten into the habit of checking my Netizen Buzz e-mail.

I do, however, check my Tumblr asks throughout the day. I read EVERY SINGLE ONE, whether I take them up or not, but it largely depends on whether I can find comments for them (and if you don't see me taking the request, it's because I couldn't).

I don't answer Tumblr asks because I don't want to flood your dashboards, but I do promise to answer every single non-anon ask whether or not you want a response. I'm thinking of moving to Formspring, but it's not a large enough problem yet (I don't think).

I only read comments of the articles that are still on the first page so if you make any requests past that, I probably won't see it.


Ever since I launched this blog, I've gotten a lot of requests for SISTAR's alleged chart manipulation. I was out of the industry at the time and the issue had mostly died out by the time I got back so I had to rely on Naver searches to see what was up. I'm assuming most of you that requested it are familiar with the side accusing them of manipulation so I'm asking you now if you're interested in the other side.

I found several posts that kind of analyze why SISTAR couldn't have manipulated the digital charts, but I was iffy on taking it up because I'm not familiar with the scandal in general.


About the X-Files...

As expected, I got numerous requests for anything related to the X-Files. I remember my cousins grabbing hold of the file nearly a decade ago and it being this really elaborate 100 page pdf analyzation of top stars, but I was too young then to really care.

I tried looking for it now and noticed that any servers that hosted the file were contacted by lawyers, etc, to take them down so I'm not sure what the legal implications for me translating them would be...

I have found other X-Files roaming freely around blogs and sites, but I could tell immediately that they weren't what I remember reading on the original X-Files. I'll talk it over with some people about translating those, but for now, I don't think I'll touch on it until I have my bases covered.


Some personal questions I've seen running around...

I update once before school and once after work, so my window for catching articles at the top is very, very, small... I'm fortunate that both windows are when the majority of internet users in Korea are at work, bored, and screwing around on the internet, or at home after work, bored, and screwing around on the internet.

Rankings change quickly - so just because I say I don't remember seeing it at the top doesn't mean it was never there. That's why I rely on a lot of your requests to fill in the gaps.
