Dex shares actor profile headshots ahead of formal debut

 Article: Dex shares acting profile pictures with the gaze + vibe of an actor

Source: Star News via Nate

[+143, -21] He looks great and all but I wish he'd get his tattoos erased..

[+48, -22] He looks great

[+40, -14] He is quite disgustingly handsome...

[+26, -7] He's getting into it anyway, may as well practice hard and do well. I wish him the best!!!

[+22, -5] His tattoos are just too gross ㅠㅜ I want him to earn more success but we all know what kind of image tattoos hold in our country ㅠㅠ

[+5, -2] He'll never get any exposure scenes in his roles because of his tattoos. He's stuck wearing long sleeves. His tattoos are just too big and gross.

[+2, -1] He should just get his tattoos erased so he's able to take on more acting and variety roles. I support him.
