Anton's father Yoon Sang talks about life as a 'gireogi appa'

Article: Anton's father Yoon Sang "I've been a gireogi appa for 14 years... second son and wife are still in the US"

Source: News 1 via Nate

Yoon Sang revealed he's been a gireogi appa for 14 years and that his second son and wife still reside in the US. "It's been 14 years now somehow. During my days as a radio DJ, I lived right by the cafeteria so I'd get my lunches there for three years. Nowadays, I have company family so I'll grab a pastry for breakfast and eat lunch at the company cafeteria. If I eat enough at lunch, I'm usually too full for dinner."


[+56, -5] I don't understand why people like this get married at all. Choosing such an unstable lifestyle for the future of children that you can't even guarantee? ㅋ And he spent all that money on getting his first son educated overseas only for him to come back and debut as an idol ㅋ what a waste of an education when all you need to be an idol is a good face anyway... I'll never get it

[+21, -2] I don't feel bad for these people... they choose to be gireogi appas

[+13, -1] Why do these people always act like others forced them into this life

[+5, -1] We all know why these people get their sons citizenships overseas... so they don't have to serve in the military

[+0, -0] This isn't a good thing at all. Fathers should not relegate their lives to becoming moneymaking machines for their families.
