BoA finally makes her appearance in 'Marry My Husband'

Article: 'Marry My Husband' BoA's powerful first appearance as former fiance... will she shake up Na In Woo ♥ Park Min Young

Source: X Sports News via Nate + Nate

[+51, -1] I was more shocked because I couldn't even recognize her;;;;;

[+35, -0] What did she do to her face ㅜ

[+28, -0] Why does our BoA's face look like this ㅠㅜ

[+14, -0] What did she do to her lips... everything from her philtrum down looks so awkward. She's a grandma from the nose down. Aigoo, what a shame.

[+11, -1] I was watching with my husband and I was like "oh, there she is, Kwon BoA" and he was like "who's Kwon BoA?" and I was like "BoA~" and he was like "what happened to her face?" I guess we're not the only ones thinking it...

[+44, -0] She needs to sue her clinic... why does she look like this

[+18, -1] She used to be so pretty.. ㅜㅜ

[+5, -0] It wasn't a role that required incredible acting skills or anything... which leaves me questioning why they had to go with BoA at all?

[+2, -0] Ugh, I was enjoying it but not anymore...

[+5, -0] Why are her lips like that

[+2, -0] Voice, face, acting, all so awkward. I don't find her acting voice that nice to listen to. I think she should change up her tonality. I support her, though.

[+1, -0] Yeah, her appearance was so powerful that it totally took me out of the drama ㅠㅠ I'm actually less interested in the drama now

[+0, -0] Please don't get greedy with your face... you don't need any of this, you're pretty as you are ㅠ

[+0, -0] I wonder why she insists on an acting career.. she's already made a great career for herself as a singer, and yet she insists on keeping up with a drama or movie or two every couple of years, and it takes me out every time
