Filipinos demand apology for racist 'Gag Concert' character

Article: Filipinos angered by 'Gag Concert' character making fun of Filipino housewives

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+100] Making fun of other races is a genre of comedy that needs to be left in the past 🤔

[+31] Of all the times I've watched 'Gag Concert,' I never once thought they were making fun of Filipinos

- [+27] But are you Filipino?

- [+1] Okay, so will you laugh it off if Japan made fun of Koreans like this too? 

[+51] I'm seeing a lot of people not understanding why this is racist and saying "comedy is comedy," and I hope that all of you keep your mouths shut when South Americans slant their eyes and make fun of you whenever they see you

[+49] This is why race issues shouldn't be messed with in comedy

[+9] It's just a gag, guys, don't blow it up


Source: Naver

[+367, -32] Our country needs to ramp up our education on racism. We were not subject to criticism in the past because no one cared about our country and our language was limited to only ourselves, but times are different now. Any racism that you might've felt in any other country means that others feel the same when we do act in the same way about them. 

[+295, -7] Haven't you all felt uncomfortable whenever you watched American dramas and saw a scene of Koreans working in a laundromat and Americans laughing at their poor English skills? Just like how we feel uncomfortable about certain things, you have to learn to put yourselves in the shoes of others and understand that they can feel uncomfortable by your actions as well. I hope that we become a country that can learn that.

[+85, -9] No more gags about foreigners and the disabled. How have we still not learned that?

[+91, -53] I found it funny, I don't know what's so racist about it

[+23, -1] I'm struggling to find what part of it was racist

[+12, -0] I immediately knew that would be problematic when I saw it on 'Gag Concert'

[+9, -0] If Filipinos found it racist, then the only right action to take is to apologize!!!

[+5, -0] How embarrassing for our country

[+6, -2] Isn't it only racist if your intention was to put them down? I thought it was funny and a friendly depiction... it's not something as offensive as slanting your eyes or anything like that

[+4, -1] I'll be honest, I saw it and thought it would cause a racism controversy as well. There are a lot of multi-cultural families living in Korea now and gags like this only fuel the racism their children may face from others in school. It's not even funny, really.
