YG officializes end of an era with GD

Article: GD parts ways with YG after spending half his life together... "It's been an honor"

Source: Mydaily via Nate + Instagram

[+46, -7] I wonder if it's just a coincidence that he became embroiled in a drug scandal right after his contract expired

[+33, -2] Shut it and give up his name back to him. It's not like you came up with it yourselves.

[+31, -1] I still think it was wrong of them to keep his name... especially after all that money he's made for them

[+21, -0] That's such a short post from YG. It should at least be 2-3 times longer than that.

[+11, -1] I support you, GD

[+10, -0] I wish Yang Hyun Suk would either go to jail or go bankrupt already

[+5, -1] Nothing's forever in this world

[+1, -0] So thuggish of YG to keep his name

[+1, -0] I will never forget how coldly they left him to the wolves when his drug scandal broke out... If it was truly an "honor" for them to have worked with him, the least they could've done was put out a statement like, "His contract with us is over so we don't know the details but we'll help him with what we can".......
