IVE's Yoojin was the busiest idol of the year with 447 schedules

Article: The busiest idol of the year is IVE's Ahn Yoojin... 447 different schedules all year

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+750] Seems like Starship is only able to stay afloat if they work Jang Wonyoung and Ahn Yoojin like dogs

[+180] It's still money going into her bank account

[+128] She really worked hard...

[+40] Yoojin-ah, make lots of money and retire as early as possible

[+28] Let's say she gets paid 5 million won per schedule, that's still 2.2 billion won this year, damn

[+26] She's smart, she knows she needs to work as hard as possible while the demand is strong

[+24] So she's just being scheduled for anyone willing to pay her?

[+12] Fifty Fifty could never handle a schedule like this, they'd already have filed a lawsuit saying they're being tortured

[+2] I find her that much more charming. She leaves a positive impression every time. I can tell why people call her an "instant pass" when it comes to meeting mother-in-laws ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
