Noze's celebrity contract expires

 Article: Ties cut with Noze... contract expires with Starting House

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Naver

[+356, -1] She basically kicked an opportunity of a lifetime

[+194, -10] Just go back to your roots as a backdancer. You were always just meant to be backdancer, nothing more. You're not the main character, just a supporting one. Find strength.

[+58, -2] People who abuse their powers over others in society don't know how much torture they're inflicting on others

[+48, -2] She was a dancer at her core anyway, just keep dancing. Nothing should be changing.

[+43, -0] A lesson for us all... be humble and all the more cautious the more successful you are.

[+8, -0] So many more successful stars have shown more humility than her. The minute she shot to fame, she was already holding her power over others~ good riddance to her

[+8, -0] Goes to show that some people don't have plates big enough to hold all the success that comes their way

[+7, -0] A person's true color shines when they're given wealth

[+6, -0] Good riddance

[+5, -0] She was a backdancer all along, she can go back to it now

[+4, -0] A reminder for us to all be humble... or you'll end up like Noze ajumma

[+4, -0] Noze? More like Gapze (gap = power)

[+2, -0] She was never meant for anything more...
