Park Yoochun rumored to be in a relationship with a Thai entrepreneur

Article: [Exclusive] Park Yoochun in a relationship with Thai entrepreneur

Source: Korea Ilbo via Nate

[+108, -2] He's quite skilled at picking up the ladies, Toilet Yoochun

[+29, -2] His best days were when he was singing 'hug'..

[+30, -0] He's pretty much retired now so why is this ex-druggie in the news anymore

[+4, -0] ㅋㅋ Thailand.. sure, I guess you won't get caught for drugs there

[+0, -0] Perhaps it's better for him to live quietly abroad than be in constant scandal back home...

[+0, -0] Are Thai toilets sturdy?

[+0, -0] I guess women will still stick by you no matter what you've done as long as you're handsome...

[+0, -0] Who cares about this druggie liar~!!!

[+0, -0] Did he ever get that tattoo erased ㅋㅋ

[+1, -2] People are such haters ㅋㅋㅋㅋ he's human too, being in a relationship is not a crime...


Source: Nate

[+16, -0] How did his face change this much? And I doubt he's genuine about this woman. I'm curious to know if her family knows about his past.

[+9, -0] If that woman knows any Korean person, I hope they tell her the truth about him quickly... she's going to ruin her life if she gets married to him.

[+4, -1] He sure grabbed a rich one, I'm jealous

[+2, -0] She has to be crazy to even think of dating him

[+0, -0] I saw the woman's photo, she looks like my auntie
