Lee Sun Gyun's hair test comes back negative

 Article: [Exclusive] 100 strands of Lee Sun Gyun's hair tested, results come out negative... investigation scheduled again for the 4th

Source: SBS via Naver

[+783, -30] So how'd he end up paying for the blackmail? Did they supply him with fake drugs and he thought he took the real deal so he paid up? What's the move here?

[+264, -41] I'm thinking this is more of a situation where maybe he tried it once or twice out of curiosity and ended up in a blackmail situation over it... because if he was a real habitual drug user, I doubt he could've gone the past 10 months without using. This seems like it's out of the laws hands at this point. There are so many worse criminals in the celebrity industry who are doing just fine with their careers. Just let him go and let him release all his movies. Too many livelihoods are at risk by letting this drag any longer.

[+199, -18] I heard hair tests are so accurate that it can detect drugs even through hair dyes. So if he's testing negative, he really must be negative...

[+150, -26] I wonder if it's also possible that his lawyer advised him to hold on the lawsuit until they knew they were in the clear for the tests

[+124, -57] His new movie looked good, just release it

[+72, -14] I wonder what the deal was with the blackmail, then? Why would he pay up if he didn't do any drugs? Why was he being blackmailed in the first place? There must be an answer to these questions... and it's up to the law to figure it out. 

[+68, -15] Seems like these comments are adamant on thinking he's completely innocent on the drug charges but the drug tests only test back to the last 8-10 months. He totally could've been doing drugs last year.

[+54, -1] I still find it weird that he refused to outright say that he never did drugs. And why did he pay the blackmail too?

[+38, -1] Then what happened? Did the madame feed him some digestives or something and act like she gave him drugs to blackmail him?


Source: Naver + Naver

[+170, -58] Yeah, I just don't think he did it at this point. I think he was hanging out at the parlor and that madame kept trying to convince him that his drink was spiked to try and blackmail him

[+82, -4] Then what was the reason for being blackmailed!!! People don't pay up 390 million won for nothing!!!

[+53, -11] Hul, so he could totally not have done drugs at all... why was the media so adamant that he did?

[+54, -14] I just hope all of this is true...

[+27, -3] If you want to see a face of someone who is truly innocent in situations like this, look at the face of Lee Jin Wook

[+42, -7] Even if he did do drugs a year ago, I think any habitual user would not be able to hold off for an entire 8-9 months. Even cig smokers can't go 8 days without a smoke... I think there needs to be a reinvestigation without the frame that he actually did these drugs.

[+33, -0] If he truly did drugs, I don't think he could've gone over 10 months without using it

[+23, -1] What if even he himself doesn't know? Like, maybe the madame gave him vi*gra to try and blackmail him since he's a celebrity and all but he was tricked into thinking it was drugs? Because if he really was a regular drug user, everyone around him would've had a clue... drug addicts don't just quit like that.

[+22, -2] Probably a one time mistake that led to blackmail and this whole mess. Either way, he just needs a period of reflection for this and he'll probably be fine.
