Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In get married today

Article: Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In get married today, hosted by Yoo Jae Suk and congratulatory song by Lee Juck

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+233] All that good image down the drain~~ what a waste

2. [+176] As someone who was a victim himself.. shouldn't he know better than to hold such a lavish wedding?

3. [+67] Love is so mysterious. He was a victim to a scam himself and barely achieved justice through the fervent support of the public... but now he's choosing to turn a blind-eye to the many people his in-laws have frauded?

4. [+49] So they got married after all... I wish them a happy marriage, and I hope that Lee Da In keeps her family in check so that there are no more scandals from their name..

5. [+43] I will not worry about celebrities. I wish him a happy marriage and life. All I ask is that they live quietly.

6. [+43] It's how it usually goes, no? You and a stranger could be hit with the same amount of force, but it's always your pain that feels like it hurts more, and you naturally empathize less with a stranger's pain ㅋ

7. [+29] Dozens of years of fangirling, this is where it ends. Farewell 😢

8. [+24] I've been his fan since debut... and I always was of the opinion through all the scandals that there isn't anyone without something to hide in their private life, but this relationship.. this wedding.. is where I draw the line ㅋㅋ

9. [+21] Curious to see how long they'll last..

10. [+19] He's going through with this marriage even after all that hate, after all those fans who left him, so he should make sure that he's happy with his decision and stay off of TV forever 👏

11. [+9] How did Lee Seung Gi end up like this... sigh...

12. [+5] Congratulations~~

13. [+2] I give them a year... or maybe three months? 

14. [+2] I can't imagine the rollercoaster his life's been on from last year till now...
