Jang Wonyoung's older sister Jang Da Ah is all set for debut

Article: Jang Wonyoung's older sister Jang Da Ah to make official debut... "signed to an agency, already recorded a CF"

Source: Insight + Idol Issue + Idol Issue via Instagram

[+279] I'm curious to see what their parents look like now

[+209] The sisters are both so pretty, their parents must feel proud

[+96] Jang Wonyoung was most legendary for me when she was in IZ*ONE. I like IVE but I wish IZ*ONE would get back together once more. Last year was their fifth anniversary so it'd be great to see them for their 10th. I'm sure a lot of people would wait for that.

[+72] They should not have marketed her as "prettier than Jang Wonyoung" because...

[+70] She's pretty but it's obvious she's already reaping the benefits of her dongsaeng's fame. There are tons of beautiful and handsome people in the world who never get these opportunities because they don't have the connections.

[+62] Definitely feels more like Jang Wonyoung took all the pretty genes in the family 

[+61] Hul daebak. I heard when Jang Wonyoung told people she was going to become a celebrity, people were surprised that it was her and not her unni..

[+58] Now I'm curious about Cha Eunwoo's dongsaeng

[+49] So is Jang Wonyoung Chinese?

[+30] Da-ah's a pretty name, both sisters actually have such pretty names

[+30] Perhaps my expectations were higher than they should've been

[+25] They don't really look alike

[+24] I've never seen sisters debut and be equally successful off of it

[+20] She has a completely different vibe from Jang Wonyoung

[+20] She'll probably disappear just like Taeyeon's little sister did ㅋ

[+19] She's not as pretty as I expected... sorry if I sound judgmental

[+15] She does have a bit more of a mature vibe to her

[+14] She has that Chinese beauty vibe in her photos. Also looks like Lee Da In a bit, Lee Seung Gi's wife ㅋㅋ She has a good look for historical dramas

[+11] She does look more like an actress than an idol

[+10] Wow, her unni has big and expressive features like Kim Tae Hee. They're both so pretty, it's really making me curious to see what their parents look like. 

[+7] Everyone kept saying she's way prettier than Jang Wonyoung so maybe I had my expectations set really high but I don't think she's all that?? Perhaps this is the negative effects of overhype
