BTS' Suga assigned to public service in the army?

 Article: BTS' Suga is the only member not to enlist as 'active duty' but in social work

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+1,093] Sigh, it's not like he purposely dislocated his shoulder with the intent of getting out of active duty. Before debut, he worked to make ends meet and injured his shoulder in the process, why are you all latching on to him now just to hate?... Just like how you will never know all that anyone's been through in life, we will never know what he's been through or is going through.. so let's please not jump to hating.

2. [+889] When he was a trainee, he used to work part-time doing dlievery work and got into a car accident on a rainy road. He's danced these past eight years by holding in his pain to the point where he could barely even lift his arm anymore until he got surgery. That's how he got assigned to public service... so please don't hate without the facts 🙏🏻

3. [+442] So what if he's public service? It doesn't change the fact that he is sacrificing himself to serve our country.

4. [+259] I'm not a BTS fan. But if BTS ever had the connections to get out of active duty, then why is he the only member to get out? What's with all this unwarranted hate?

5. [+301] Suga had shoulder surgery, it was really bad to the point where he couldn't do activities... please know before you speak, tsk tsk

6. [+70] I feel like he'd be really popular with the kids if he were to ever serve at children's centers

7. [+335] If he was my family or friend, I wouldn't want him serving in active duty either. He's in pain. Suffering in the army only harms you in the end. Don't let anyone's opinion affect you and serve where you need to serve.

8. [+96] Please just leave him alone. It's not like he's getting out of service completely. If he was my own family, I'd refuse to let him serve active duty if he had other options.

9. [+41] Some of these comments have no idea what the difference between dancing and army service is... If you have no idea what the condition of Suga's shoulder is like, please refrain from leaving a comment

10. [+208] Preventing further injuries is the priority here

11. [+143] He shattered his shoulder while doing delivery work, that's why he's public service. Health comes first.

12. [+56] His shoulder is just evidence of how hard he's worked all his life

13. [+166] He's hurting. There is no need to pay any mind to the opinions of haters and serve active duty just to satisfy them.

14. [+24] Public service work is still serving our country~

15. [+11] I mean, what do haters want him to do about his injury? ㅋㅋㅋ How can you even hate on someone for something they can't control?
