Witness accounts spot (G)I-DLE's Miyeon mourning at Itaewon for death of close stylist friend

Video: Fans witness IDLE's Miyeon leaving chrysanthemum flowers at Itaewon

Source: Drama Gallery via YouTube

1. [+1,600] She must've been feeling so down about the tragedy but hasn't been able to express her sadness fully, I hope that she takes care of herself

2. [+691] I did not know that such a thing happened ㅠㅠ I hope she's not too hurt over it.. and that she mourns as long as she needs to. Come back when you're ready, we'll be waiting.

3. [+840] Miyeon-ah, what a kind heart you have.. I know that you're not able to express how difficult this situation is for you but imagine how much she must be hurting to brave going out into such a large crowd to participate in the mourning..

4. [+213] That breaks my heart.. such a beautiful heart, as pretty as her face. I hope she takes care of herself...

5. [+429] That must be so hard for her... I hope she takes care of herself. We support you, Miyeonie!!

6. [+366] May all those who lost their lives to this tragedy rest in peace

7. [+74] Aigoo... this Itaewon tragedy has taken away so many. I hope Miyeon is able to overcome this. May all those who lost their lives rest in peace.

8. [+33] Such a pure heart... I hope she's able to mourn and come back as her bright self again.

9. [+33] Aigoo ㅠㅠ I hope Miyeon is taking care of herself

10. [+136] That was a kind gesture for her to do.. I hope she finds strength. May they rest in peace.

11. [+206] Miyeonie ㅠㅠ she must be so sad.. Let's fighting for 'Nxde' promos!! ❤🥲

12. [+59] I wonder if she went with her manager.. what a sad situation ㅠㅠ to lose such a close friend so suddenly. I hope she finds strength.

13. [+62] Whatever the truth is... I'm sure Miyeon's struggling right now so I hope she's able to take care of herself..
