YG addresses Jisoo's health concerns, assures fans that she's fine

Video: Black Pink Jisoo's shocking health condition at US concert tour

Source: Issue Feed via YouTube

1. [+154] Lumps around the neck are so dangerous, I hope she gets it checked out

2. [+74] Jisoo-nim, please don't get sick. Your health comes first ㅠㅠ stay healthy with Black Pink 

3. [+42] Black Pink, please be healthy!!

4. [+64] I wish Black Pink good health

5. [+28] No ㅠㅠㅠ Jisoo needs to be healthy

6. [+17] Jisoo.. is normally not the type to make it obvious when she's hurting. I hope she gets it checked out at the hospital, for the sake of Blinks... Jisoo-ya, please just go  ㅠㅠ 🥺😭❤ I think she's saying she's okay because she doesn't want Blinks to worry

7. [+25] I'd get random lumps around my neck when I'm tired and not getting enough rest. When I got it checked out at the hospital, they said my lymph nodes were swollen from a lack of rest, and got diagnosed with lymphadenitis. It went down after I took medication, and I learned that it's just something that happens when your immune system is weak from exhaustion. I'm sure she's taking care of herself as a celebrity and would know if it was anything malignant. It's probably just swollen lymph nodes from being tired. Mine came back more often when I went through a really bad cold.

8. [+5] Lymph nodes that swollen and big hurt a lot... like it throbs... you can't even sleep because it heats up, too. ㅠㅠ Aigoo, it must be bothering her all day.

9. [+5] I had a flare up recently as well and it takes a long time to go away even with medication 😢

10. [+12] This happens when you're super tired for long periods of time. I know it's hard but she needs rest and treatment~~~

11. [+36] Damn, their schedule is so murderous, though. How many times are they on and off planes?

12. [+41] Lymphadenitis isn't malignant so she'll be fine as long as she got it checked out. I'm sure she knows, that's why she's keeping up with schedules and doesn't seem concerned over it.
