Shin Hye Sung claims valet gave him the wrong keys in drunk driving scandal, valet claims they never gave him any keys

Article: [Exclusive] Shin Hye Sung, "All I did was accept the keys I was given by valet" versus restaurant reps, "We never gave him any keys"

Source: YTN via Naver

1. [+890, -7] All he has to do is apologize and pay the consequences of his actions but look at him blabbing on and on

2. [+417, -17] Why delete comments that are stating facts? Jun Jin's drunk driving scandal, Lee Minwoo's s*xual harassment scandal, Andy's gambling scandal, Shin Hye Sung getting caught twice drinking and drive on top of gambling scandals, Eric's misogynistic statement scandal... all that fanfare about how they're a 'long-running idol group' but they're the ones who are constantly getting into fights and scandals amongst themselves

3. [+178, -13] With how prevalent drugs have become in our country, I'm wondering if he was high too

4. [+48, -0] His private life must be so messy. I don't even have to hear about it to just assume that it's bad for him to lose himself in one moment like this, tsk tsk. How pathetic.

5. [+35, -0] I'm thinking he came out of the restaurant drunk and just saw a car running in front of him and assumed the restaurant had it out and running for him so he got in, tsk tsk. Which also means he was drunk to the point where he couldn't even recognize his own car. He should be thankful he never got into an accident, and he shouldn't plan on coming back to the celebrity industry until his next life, tsk tsk.

6. [+33, -2] Pretty sure his car is a supercar Audi R8?... so how could he not have recognized his own car??? Unless he was drunk on something worse than alcohol like perhaps drugs???

7. [+19, -0] The worse devil in all of this is the judge who's going to get him off on probation because he's going to write a few letters claiming he's been reflecting

8. [+10, -0] So he was so drunk to the point where he didn't even realize it wasn't his own car. So hopeless at his age.

9. [+7, -1] He has a trashy mindset. He should just be apologizing right now.

10. [+5, -0] How can you be acting like this in your forties?? I truly wonder what people like him are thinking in their heads? No matter how drunk he is, he should know that there are some things you just do not do... my god...


Source: Naver

1. [+403, -38] If he couldn't even recognize his own car, he was obviously drunk to the point where anyone could smell it on him, and he's really trying to claim that the valet saw and smelt all that and still gave the client their keys? Perhaps that valet should be under investigation for aiding the crime of drinking and driving then as well.

2. [+187, -1] This is his second time getting arrested for drinking and driving, along with a prior history of gambling illegally internationally. Trash like him should be thrown in jail and left to reflect for the rest of his life. There are some rags that you just can't wash completely clean.

3. [+119, -1] Get him tested for drugs...

4. [+91, -2] Funny how he was so drunk to the point of not knowing what car he was in but he clearly remembers a valet handing him the keys. Seems like he has a special skill of only remembering what's convenient to him. So yes, get him tested for drugs.

5. [+24, -2] What a terrible person... why are you dumping the blame on regular people who are just working hard to make a living?
