Crush accused of racism in crowd interactions

Article: Crush ignored high fives from Black people? He responds to accusations

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

1. [+581, -4] Sigh... these people have an inferiority complex...

2. [+477, -9] Honestly, let's not forget that Black people beat Asians like dogs during COVID while acting like they're the ones wronged in moments like this..

3. [+198, -5] And yet Black people are always looking down on Asians from their inferiority complex

4. [+165, -4] Take this article down, what a baseless accusation

5. [+33, -0] It's because Black people have an inferiority complex when they're the ones who are more racist to Asians than white people. How funny of them.

6. [+17, -1] Judging by Crush's character on the regular, he's not the type to do something like that

7. [+8, -0] Why don't they worry about their racism against Asians first

8. [+8, -0] Their inferiority complex ㅎㅎ the majority of the crimes committed against Asians are from Black people

9. [+6, -0] There's no reason for Crush to be racist against you... how about you guys worry about not assaulting Asians first...

10. [+4, -0] Black people in the US are picking on Asian elderly and committing unwarranted assault and violence, and yet they think they can accuse Crush of something like this with no evidence? They truly must think that Koreans across the world are their fools.


Source: Naver

1. [+376, -6] So if they're claiming racism because he didn't shake their hand or high five them, what if a Korean singer refused to shake hands with another Korean at their concert too? Is that classism then too? This is such a ridiculous argument ㅋㅋ

2. [+256, -5] They have such an inferiority complex ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+116, -4] Why would Crush ever do something so blatant on stage? Black people have such an inferiority complex when they're more racist toward other races 

4. [+82, -5] I hope that foreigner at the concert doesn't feel misunderstood. I'm sure Crush was very surprised by this as well. We should all be careful about safety issues.

5. [+44, -0] when you're up on stage and walking around like that while singing, it's so hard to grasp what's even happening, let alone differentiating someone between Black or alien in the crowd.

6. [+26, -0] It was just the timing that made it seem like that. It's too forced to claim he's racist. What's real racism is when Black people beat Asians for no reason on the streets.

7. [+12, -1] Black-on-Asian racism is way worse overseas and yet they're acting like the victims over here

8. [+13, -7] I saw the clip and he skipped over the only Black people in the crowd while resuming to shake hands with everyone else, it was a perfect situation for people to misunderstand
- [+2] Yeah but other people in the audience heard him tell them to be careful and back off with his hands..

9. [+6, -0] Hallyu has come far for international PCs to jump on it now

10. [+5, -1] If you think he's racist, then don't go. Why give your money by attending concerts like this?

11. [+3, -0] Crush is just not that kind of guy

12. [+2, -0] They're really mad that they weren't given high fives? ㅋㅋㅋ So are singers expected to give high fives to every single person in the crowd now?

13. [+2, -1] It does seem odd to me that he skipped over just that part before going back to shake hands again. He should've not shaken anyone's hands then.
- [+0, -1] He was telling people to be careful, which people in the crowd heard, but they were foreigners and didn't understand what he was saying
