Army to introduce tourism program for civilians to experience service training life

Article: Military training centers once shrouded to women can be experienced now... army centers to introduce the experience as a tour

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+370] Just a tour?!!! Make them experience everything that we have to! Or they'll continue to think the army is some easy place and look down on us. Have them be separated from their parents the day of enlistment and berated by seniors, forced to clean bathrooms and do push-ups on command. Now that's a real experience.

2. [+303] Not sure what the point of these tours would be when they're just going to hide all the bad stuff and make sure only the good stuff makes it in the tour. That's no true experience at all... At a minimum, tourists should be forced to stay for three days and worked to the bone for the true experience ㅎㅎㅎ

3. [+170] The army training centers are not a zoo for people to gawk at

4. [+68] A true experience would be a 5 day guerrilla campaign or training in the severe cold

5. [+30] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The army is now turning into a tourism site ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+55] I'm afraid people are going to go on a two day tour and be like 'this is actually damn easy' 

7. [+50] Do these people think the army is a joke? Who even came up with such an idea! Army tourism? Do they even realize how much harder the soldiers have to work to prepare for these events? When I served in 2008, our unit threw some event for parents to come visit and I remember having to work nonstop without a break to prepare the center for them. 

8. [+14] So they can scam everyone into thinking the army's a good place to be?

9. [+38] The sad part is that the people who actually look down on soldiers and think they're a joke would never go to such an experience...

10. [+6] My question is whether they'd ever be able to replicate an actual training experience

11. [+3] To add to the experience, guests should be given two weeks of constipation as well

12. [+14] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's so obvious that guests will just be shown the good stuff, fed good food... I think programs like this will make it worse for the army's image because everyone will come away from it thinking it's an easy place to serve and make the rest of us look like whiners
