Shinhwa's Shin Hye Sung arrested for drinking and driving in a stolen car

Article: Shin Hye Sung arrested for refusing BAC test in a stolen vehicle... agency admits "He was in a drunken state, we apologize"

Source: Chosun via Naver

1. [+294, -1] Drunk driving aside, he was also in a stolen vehicle? ㅋㅋ

2. [+89, -6] It really just takes one second.. for someone to ruin their entire life...

3. [+28, -0] I'm so curious as to why rich celebrities just don't call a taxi. Why do they bother with drinking and driving?

4. [+23, -0] The car's probably under a family member's name and not his. Quite the story for a drunk driver, though... and what's with all that make up on his face?

5. [+16, -0] His face is aging and yet he tries to dress and act younger than his age like he has peter pan syndrome

6. [+12, -0] I bet he was so drunk that he didn't even realize it wasn't his own car ㅋ bye, farewell

7. [+10, -0] Not that idols these days are any better but idols from the 90s are 99% terrible characters ㅋㅋ they're literally just clowns

8. [+8, -0] Sigh, he's really racking up all the crimes! He got caught in the past for gambling internationally and now he's under arrest for drunk driving in a stolen car?!! 

9. [+6, -0] There is no proper celebrity... they are just well masked clowns

10. [+5, -0] They should probably run a drug test on him too


Source: Naver

1. [+273, -7] Farewell.. won't see you out too far

2. [+202, -5] Another scandal in 15 years... I wonder how many times he's been drinking and driving without getting caught in bet ween, tsk tsk. I bet in two years he'll be back saying he wants to pay everyone back with his singing or whatever, please, enough with that...

3. [+139, -7] There are countless drunk driving scandals with so many celebrities in and out of the headlines over it and yet people keep drinking and driving because our laws are so lax about it. Any accident caused by drunk driving should be given the highest penalty. We cannot continue with these outdated laws.

4. [+73, -5] I really don't understand why it's so difficult for celebrities to live normally

5. [+67, -2] So old and yet he still refuses to act his age... aigoo, always getting into scandals

6. [+13, -0] "Stolen vehicle", that's all I need to know to assume what a messy life he's been living and that he's already rock bottom

7. [+11, -0] So his girlfriend reported him

8. [+8, -0] So did he get in someone else's car and was too drunk to realize it? How'd he get the keys?

9. [+7, -0] What does he lack to be stealing a car?

10. [+7, -1] And another celebrity leaves us, bye bye
