New Jeans fans dismayed at new style and hair changes

Article: New Jeans' K-Con Japan confusing hair and make up, what concept is this;

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

1. [+87] They're a group that earned their popularity for their simple and natural hair and make up looks, why would they dress them in something so messy.. I agree with the other comments that they'd look way prettier just dressed in a simple white T and jeans

2. [+84] I said please don't bleach their hair...!!

3. [+62] It was going so well for us, why would you do this...

4. [+62] New Jeans' coordi is acting weird these days;; do they think that the girls are pretty dressed in anything so they're just going to literally dress them in anything?; please wake up and do better

5. [+49] What is going on with their hair and make up? Just because they have pretty faces doesn't mean you can just dress them like this.. 😢

6. [+16] They're pretty enough in a white T and jeans, what're they doing... are their coordis getting all experimental because they have such pretty faces...? Well, I'm choosing to trust Min Hee's vision until the end..

7. [+3] Minji..

8. [+5] I'm sure Min Hee Jin transferred her team in SM over to Hybe but did she take their coordi too???;;;

9. [+14] Their hair and make up are getting weirder and worse..

10. [+1] What is going on...
