'Kahi' multibalm pays dramas dramas up to 10 million won per minute of PPL?

 Article: "So this must be why Woo Young Woo bore the criticism to feature the multibalm" Kahi multibalm pays 10 million won per minute

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

1. [+490, -5] All of their PPL turns me off from ever buying from the brand. It actually cheapens their brand to me. It only makes me wonder how terrible their sales are that they're constantly running ads like this... I've never seen anyone around me use this product.

2. [+150, -1] I'm really curious about this Kahi company. All these crazy ads... It's bizarre to me that a small company like them has such marketing funds.

3. [+150, -3] Kahi-ya... please stop with the ads... ㅠ ㅠ even foreigners who watch our dramas are catching on... haven't you done enough, now? ㅠㅠ

4. [+50, -3] Maybe we can just turn all this PPL into a K-drama cliche... just like how we always expect Indian movies to break out into random dances...! Just throw on that PPL in the middle of the drama and be confident!

5. [+18, -0] Whenever I see Kahi or Ho Kwan Won, I just think that the cost of the PPL is incorporated into the cost of the product and it turns me off from buying it...

6. [+17, -0] It's sticky and gets your hair all over your face, it's bad

7. [+14, -0] It just feels like vaseline. I don't recommend it to older folks. I already bought it so I'm just trying to use it up by putting on my foot heels. My feet don't even like it, though.

8. [+9, -0] I hate these ads so much that it actually makes me want to boycott them

9. [+8, -0] Kahi's such a stupid company... it completely ruins any drama I'm watching. I bet everyone who's watching starts swearing at the screen when they see it. Even my own family's like "Kahi again?" and calls out the blatant PPL.

10. [+8, -1] Someone gave me one to try and it feels no different from 3,000 won vaseline. It's heavy, sticky, stuffy... I have two and I never reach for it.
