Fire at Kakao data center causes 8+ hour long service outage

Article: "It's like we went back to the day 2G days"... people resort to standard texts and calls with Katalk server crash

Source: Chosun Ilbo via Nate

1. [+404, -89] I wish Kakao would just goa way forever

2. [+33, -1] With the invention of Kakao Talk, my life has gotten more stressful

3. [+33, -4] I liked it because my day was quiet for once

4. [+28, -0] I miss the days when we had to walk up to our friend's house and call out "Chulsoo-ya~~~ come out to play"

5. [+27, -2] Out of 365 days, the server was down for just one. Just enjoy it. Call it an analog day and laugh it off. We really need to learn the ability to take things in stride. Getting mad and frustrated only hurts you in the end.

6. [+26, -1] I felt like these past eight hours have felt more human without Katalk working

7. [+23, -0] ㅋㅋㅋ So if we were to ever go into war, the enemy would just have to blow up Katalk's server database and everyone's sole method of communication would be cut off

8. [+19, -1] Not sure why everyone was making such a fuss over it when you can just call or text normally

9. [+17, -0] We really need more competitors to Kakao, we need to block their domination

10. [+8, -4] I actually liked reverting back to regular texting when Katalk was down.. ㅎㅎ it really cut down on the annoying small talk and everyone kept contact to only what they needed ㅋㅋ what a clean day ㅎㅎ

11. [+6, -0] I did have a lot of clients who felt frustrated with Kakao Taxi being down. I just ended up using Naver Maps.

12. [+6, -0] It's so crazy how a country can be thrown into such disarray over one app going down

13. [+5, -1] I think it's best that we all prepare other avenues outside of Kakao. They are so irresponsible by dumping all of their services into one database. It was ridiculous that Kakao Bank went down with Kakao Talk. Isn't it obvious that those services should be put on separate servers? How in the world did they stuff it all together and let this happen? 


Article: "The busiest business day was ruined" complaints galore on Kakao server outage

Source: Money Today via Nate

1. [+718, -35] Our country really needs to do something about Kakao running 90% of our country's app services. All of the businesses that lost money because of the server outage today must also be compensated.

2. [+669, -36] There needs to be a new messenger app that can replace Kakao. I can't stand Kakao's ads anymore.

3. [+597, -18] I know that it was a fire that caused the outage but it's a real shock that Kakao has been running all this time without a backup or secondary server... I know for the average person, it's just a minor frustration, but for small businesses and taxi drivers, their livelihoods are attached to these apps. They should be compensated for their losses.

4. [+35, -3] It's ridiculous that everything is connected to Kakao now...

5. [+27, -1] I was watching the taxi drivers on the news ㅜ  these drivers pay such a large fee to Kakao, they should be compensated back for the loss of service today

6. [+24, -3] I loved not having Katalk work today. No need to keep an ear out for notifications, no need to partake in stupid small talk. People only contacted me for important needs. This really made me consider deleting Katalk for good.

7. [+22, -1] Anyone who's worked in IT would know that it's really stupid of Kakao to only have one data center running. Naver had a server outage with smaller damage because they had a plan B. It's ridiculous how big and rich Kakao is but how underprepared they are under it all.

8. [+16, -0] This is probably another warning as to why digital currency is a bad idea

9. [+15, -0] And this is why one company shouldn't be allowed to dominate all these industries. Once one goes down, the rest does too. Naver Line was available during this time but not enough users using it.

10. [+9, -0] I'm glad I don't use Kakao Pay as my main wallet;;;
