Netizens disgruntled by rising graffiti crime by foreigners on subways

Article: "Six cities in two weeks" subway trains attacked by graffiti from foreigners

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+403] Our country has always been kept clean and allowing things like this to go unnoticed will quickly start the process of it becoming a slum. They need to be caught and arrested.

2. [+260] I don't care how prety the graffiti, this is public property damage and it's a crime.. if they want to do it, they should find legal ways to do so

3. [+179] I wonder how they'd like it if someone did this to their own front steps?

4. [+98] They should look for work where they can be commissioned and paid to do this stuff legally

5. [+93] Please stop. Use your talents to beautify old or run-down apartments instead.

6. [+74] Hul.. please do this in your own countries

7. [+67] Why do they do this?

8. [+30] Do this back in your own countries

9. [+29] I see comments from kids saying this looks pretty or hip... but I know you'd all freak out if someone did this to your home or car

10. [+25] I don't want this happening in our country

11. [+121] It's pretty but please don't do this to our country's subways... Once you let this stuff slide, our subways will become dirty

12. [+7] It's pretty and hip but I don't get why people do it 😑

13. [+2] I want to reprimand them but it's really pretty ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 😂😂😂

14. [+12] Just don't do what you're not supposed to do

15. [+5] It's pretty but it does cheapen the look of the area ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ 

16. [+9] Catch them and kick them out. I do not want our country to become dirty like this.

17. [+2] As an aside, they're pretty good artists..

18. [+16] South Korea must be the last country left to dirty with these graffitis. I see it all over Europe, the US, and South East Asia on their buildings and most public structures. 
