Taeyang clears his Instagram feed

Article: '5 years into marriage with Min Hyo Rin' Big Bang's Taeyang deletes every post from his SNS

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+144] I doubt that a sun (taeyang) can ever cool in his love

2. [+80] Was he hacked?

3. [+33] Too much interest.. I'm sure they're doing fine..

4. [+16] Feels like a comeback is brewing?

5. [+18] He posted 'Renewal' right after so I don't think there's anything negative going on...

6. [+12] No.. please.. ㅜ

7. [+12] Could be hacked?

8. [+14] I don't think he deleted anything. Just archived it all for a refresh.

9. [+2] I doubt there's anything to worry about...

10. [+12] My one vote is on hacking 👏

11. [+1] I heard it's for a comeback

12. [+2] Probably just has more important things to be focusing on than his SNS

13. [+1] Can't believe people are suspecting divorce just because he cleared his SNS feed. It's almost like you guys can't wait for that to happen. Are celebrities not allowed to refresh their feeds anymore?


Source: Naver

1. [+346, -29] I'm not even curious. Who cares.

2. [+275, -60] I know people like to say that Taeyang's the only one who's never caused a scandal in Big Bang... but Big Bang's image now is... too far gone, no? And I think too much time has passed for the public to care about anything Taeyang is doing anymore. That's just how time works and it may be unfair but it's not like Big Bang is struggling financially or anything... they're just not newsworthy anymore. His teammates have just left such a terrible legacy.

3. [+168, -13] Life is too busy as it is to worry about a celebrity who makes hundreds of thousands a day

4. [+86, -8] I may cheat~ but you better not cheat~~

5. [+94, -26] What oculd it be? Are they separated? Finding a compromise? I am quite curious.

6. [+23, -0] Did he get in trouble...? He was the only normal one in Big Bang..

7. [+20, -0] Divorce..

8. [+20, -1] Probably issues going on with his family. I hope he gets it figured out. I know I'm in no position to be worrying about anyone else but I do feel concerned.

9. [+12, -2] Is he getting divorced?

10. [+7, -2] He's probably just over it with Instagram
