Tablo's daughter Haru is the spitting image of him

Article: "Kiddie hip hop" Tablo's daughter Haru's daily swag

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+469, -5] Tablo basically gave birth to Tablo...

2. [+395, -44] She has a charming face. Something very unique and androgynous about her. She looks exactly like Tablo too.

3. [+220, -22] Boyish in a handsome way

4. [+14, -1] She's super handsome even though she's a little girl ㅋ they can raise her as a hip hop warrior and she'll already have a career set up for her

5. [+12, -1] That first picture totally just looks like Tablo

6. [+10, -0] Are we sure this isn't just Tablo...?

7. [+7, -1] I'd instantly recognize her in a crowd on the streets

8. [+6, -0] I thought that first picture was a photoshopped picture of Tablo;

9. [+6, -0] Tablo's gotten younger!

10. [+5, -1] She looks like she'd be popular with the ladies
