Bae Yong Joon and Park Soo Jin's second baby is a girl due this month

Article: [Exclusive] Bae Yong Joon ♥ Park Soo Jin's second baby is a daughter 'to give birth early April'

Source: Sports Seoul via Nate

1. [+843, -29] Buy your own incubator

2. [+677, -30] Please don't abuse your celebrity status at the hospital this time

3. [+656, -43] I trust that you'll follow hospital rules this time. Have a safe delivery.

4. [+71, -11] Can't stand this couple

5. [+46, -3] Since you sold your company and earned a 40 billion won profit, why don't you use that money to buy your own baby ward...

6. [+39, -1] I really don't care for them, can they please live quietly and stay out of the media

7. [+33, -0] Ah, the couple that practically lived in the A cell incubator lab where premature babies were fighting for their lives??? As if that wasn't enough, they abused so many more perks like having the grandparents come in, breastfeeding inside, bringing outside food inside ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+33, -2] This couple will forever be known for their Samsung hospital NICU scandal... If only they could learn even 1/10 of how the Sean and Jung Hye Young couple act. Notice how most of their articles have nothing more to say about them other than their net worth?

9. [+33, -0] Can they just set up their own hospital at home? Aren't they rich enough?

10. [+25, -1] They're rich enough to have doctors on standby for a home birth so do that please
