Red Velvet shares what Kim Jong Un said to them during their first meeting

Article: Chairman Kim Jong Un told Red Velvet, "So this is how we meet for this first time"

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

Red Velvet revealed, "He told us that he had read about us in the Southern media and that people from the South were probably curious as to whether he'd meet us or not and said, 'so this is how we meet for the first time'."


1. [+3,711, -114] Yerim has experienced so much in just 20 years of life...

2. [+3,348, -94] All political bias aside, seeing Kim Jong Un in real life must've really felt like seeing an animal from your imaginations come alive...

3. [+2,495, -145] I wonder what it feels like to meet someone that most could never even fathom meeting in their entire life... someone only seen through TV ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+1,626, -61] Looks photoshopped

5. [+1,274, -192] Red Velvet sure has come far ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+290, -7] Let's not forget what a terrifying figure he is. He has executed so many lives from his uncle to his own brother, etc. I bet his nephew hiding somewhere out in the world is still shaking in fear of dying at any moment.

7. [+250, -44] Still can't believe they said meeting him was an "honor"... sigh, it's obviously because they're naive, right?

8. [+147, -16] Yes, I'm sure it was an honor to meet a pig who's always threatening to shoot missiles at us ㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+98, -24] One of their members said in an interview that it was an honor to meet him....

10. [+52, -10] 'Commie Taste' ㅋㅋ
