2015 Melon Music Awards

Article: Big Bang honored 4 crowns at '2015 MMA'... this year is Big Bang's year

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+6,238, -741] I wish Big Bang would be at MAMA too

2. [+6,019, -757] Truly was Big Bang's year... bbang ya bbang ya bbang ya!!

3. [+5,160, -726] Big Bang lives up to their class

4. [+4,540, -506] EXO, Big Bang both won daesangs~ congrats to all

5. [+1,426, -149] Don't they deserve it? They swallowed Melon chart whole for a few months..


Source: Nate

1. [+633, -116] You really can't deny that it was Big Bang's year this year. Thought it was a Big Bang concert at the end ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+553, -109] No one can deny that Big Bang deserves their awards. Their 'Made' album hit daebak. I personally loved 'If You'.

3. [+547, -115] 10 years in and still doing great, Big Bang's amazing

4. [+54, -6] What I found goose bump inducing was that I thought the sound system was crap until Big Bang and Hyukoh performed and realized that it's however the artist makes it.

5. [+48, -8] Big Bang's an amazing group even from the perspective of a man. Congratulations, hyungs!!! Your stages were amazing!


Article: iKON and Girlfriend win rookie awards

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+544, -173] Han Hyo Joo gets hated to death for not apologizing over something her younger brother did meanwhile Baek Jong Won whose father committed sexual assault and BI whose father committed embezzlement get off scot free and shielded ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+514, -174] Since when is BI, the son of a scammer, going to continue to come out on TV? As expected of that criminal house YG, tsk tsk

3. [+413, -136] Judging by their shoes, looks like iKON is pretty short like Big Bang too

4. [+59, -32] I say the awards went to those who deserved it. Had the highest digital ranking and the best songs too.

5. [+47, -12] Congratulations to iKON!!! To Girlfriend too!!!


Source: Naver

1. [+2,817, -245] Winner gave iKON their award.... made me feel sad in a way.. and also touched ㅠㅠ

2. [+1,823, -174] Congratulations to both Girlfriend and iKON~~

3. [+1,604, -220] Congratulations iKON ♥♥♥

4. [+1,477, -147] Both teams deserved it! Great job this year

5. [+359, -49] iKON's earning back all that they've suffered for... made me tear up seeing them with Winner and hugging them ㅠㅠ congratulations on the rookie award..


Article: SISTAR and SNSD win the top 10 award "Thank you"

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+1,297, -108] Yoona is so freaking pretty ㅠㅠ When didn't SNSD come out as a group ㅠㅠ

2. [+979, -84] Yoona's so pretty~ congratulations to both SISTAR and SNSD~~

3. [+863, -79] Yoona's so pretty ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ congratulations!!

4. [+813, -85] SNSD had great songs this year, congratulations

5. [+609, -52] I thought only one would win an award out of the top 10 but I guess not! Congratulations to all 10 teams!!

6. [+184, -23] Neither groups had all of their members there ㅜㅜㅜ Soshi and SISTAR are close too and I noticed Yoona was sitting with Dasom and Hyorin ㅜㅜ heartwarming to see

7. [+177, -19] Sad to see that all of the members couldn't make it but Yoona looks gorgeous

8. [+181, -27] Gorgeous Yoona... would've been nice to have all the members


Pann: Big Bang performing 5 songs is a problem

1. [+228, -32] I agree. It was unfair of the producers to make the other artists basically Big Bang's backdrop just because Big Bang has seniority and more hit songs. They could've had other famous teams perform three more songs after Big Bang.

2. [+185, -47] I thought it was ridiculous how there are obviously other fans at the venue but Big Bang performs five songs and then their fans still demand an encore.. ㅋㅋ

3. [+85, -21] I thought it was pretty bad that they were still performing Fantastic Baby, a song 4 years old. They released so many songs this year, did they really have to perform 5 songs on top of Fantastic Baby?

4. [+69, -17] Really can't shield Fantastic Baby

5. [+62, -16] Their encore was unnecessary

6. [+59, -12] They did perform too long... I'm a fan so obviously I don't find a problem with it but I"m sure other fans weren't happy with it. They shouldn't have performed Fantastic Baby.

7. [+55, -28] It's not even their own concert and yet they performed 5 songs on top of an encore

8. [+50, -6] From Melon's perspective, they have to milk Big Bang as hard as they can for viewer ratings ㅋㅋ Who else would they have milked?

9. [+47, -6] BTS should've gotten two songs and EXID should've gotten two whole songs too but of course Big Bang gets the preferential treatment

10. [+34, -8] Shouldn't have performed Fantastic Baby, that was stretching it

11. [+33, -7] Isn't it unfair that Big Bang is getting hate for performing 5 songs? It's not like they demanded "We're going to sing 5 songs so make sure you free up 25 minutes of stage time~~" Obviously Melon knows that Big Bang's their money maker so they asked them to sing 5 songs. I'm not even a Big Bang fan but I thought Fantastic Baby would be the perfect encore song because it's exciting and fun. Big Bang gets hate for everything I swear. I thought they ended the ceremony on an exciting note.
