Gain makes her comeback on 'M! Countdown'

Article: 'Comeback' Gain, a snake-like sexy beauty... artistic stage on M! Countdown

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+559, -68] She went too far

2. [+493, -43] So what's the difference between panties and pants for her? I seem to forget every time I watch her..

3. [+440, -45] Is she purposely only wearing panties because her legs are short and she wants to make them look longer?

4. [+54, -11] So sick of this. I'll list you three things that are in every dance lately: sticking your butt out, spreading your legs, and mimicking a sex move. Name one dance for me that doesn't have one of these.

5. [+47, -12] Does she have a disease where she'll die if she wears pants

6. [+41, -13] Honestly, it doesn't look sexy but more like she's hit rock bottom and has gone too far to turn back... She's already so short that it doesn't do justice to the concept ㅠㅠ I liked her the best during 'Bloom'... I'm a man by the way. I just watch her and think she's trying way too hard.

7. [+38, -8] Always the same hair, same outfits..

8. [+34, -25] I was hesitant with the concept at first when I saw only the pictures but changed my mind after seeing the music video. She put so much time and thought into this album, I don't see it as just a simple 'sexy concept'.

9. [+32, -28] The outfit and dance are certainly shocking but the stage, the music video, and the music are all art.

10. [+30, -20] There was so much talk about this that I watched... and Gain just seems to be in the Sunmi boat. Somewhere between corrupted/degenerated beauty and luxurious sexiness...? And her dance moves are clearly replicating sex moves but it doesn't look cheap to me.. people point out that her legs are short but I find that it works in her favor because it makes her figure look in between that of a woman and a girl so the moves don't look cheap at all. It's a dance that only singers like Sunmi, Gain, or Ivy can pull off. Hyuna doing it would just look cheap...
