Korea's excessive drinking culture in college

Article: Woman in her twenties rushed to the hospital after drinking 'large bowl of alcohol' at college welcoming party

Source: Newsis via Nate

Korean colleges have a lot of little parties and trips that clubs or majors will go on to 'strengthen' friendships and bonds but it's usually just an opportunity for seniors to force juniors into overdrinking and doing all sorts of hazing rituals.

1. [+1,676, -17] Can't believe there are still schools that do this..;; We need to arrest everyone who forces people into drinking and make them pay a penalty. Why force others into drinking...?

2. [+1,285, -14] These types of stupid traditions need to be abolished from schools. So many accidents happen every year.

3. [+35, -3] I hate how seniors will always force you to drink and if you get too drunk and reject them, they think you're looking down on them.

4. [+34, -9] I get scared of news like this every time a new semester starts. Parents did not raise their kids to send them off to be treated like this in college. Shouldn't the youth get rid of this type of culture on their own? Especially on top of all of the sexual harassment cases lately, act like the intelligent people you are...

5. [+21, -2] I still remember when I went on my first college trip in 2006. They took a huge washing bowl and mixed in soju and beer to a ratio of 5:5... then all the seniors went around and spit in it, dunk their feet in, put in their socks, put in cigarette ash, chewed up and spit out food, boogers... one guy even stuck his hand in his pants and ripped off a piece of his pubic and butt hairs.. Then the six of us juniors were forced to share and drink it all. Some puked because of how gross it was and they'd make another bowl if we couldn't finish the first bowl.. Then we'd end up hating each other for not being able to finish and hate the seniors for forcing us to do this.. it was just such a mess. I think that's why you never make any 'real friends' in college, just people you call up once in a while to benefit off of. I don't even know why this type of campus culture was created but it needs to change..

6. [+20, -0] This stupid drinking culture in college and work dinners needs to stop. Korea's the only country that does this.

7. [+19, -1] The seniors should be applicable to attempted murder

8. [+15, -1] Nothing changes. I've been reading news like this for the past 20 years. The same juniors will become the same seniors who do this to the next round of juniors.
