YG plans to debut Winner at the end of February

Article: Yang Hyun Suk "Winner to make official debut at the end of February... first mini-album with self compositions"

Star News via Naver

1. [+923, -18] Are you sure about them debuting in February?

2. [+744, -24] I've been waiting for their debut since the end of the program. Please don't delay it and make sure you follow through with it!

3. [+654, -24] Please... please don't let it be all talk. Please follow through with it.

4. [+611, -30] Just you dare try and delay it... Please include Smile Again.. ㅜㅜ

5. [+381, -21] I'm just grateful that it's a mini-album and not a digital single

6. [+375, -56] I used to always think that idols were airheaded kids who were idols because they were too dumb to do anything else but who ever thought I'd fall for Winner ㅋㅋ Gotta trust in the talent.

7. [+298, -18] I expected them to debut by the end of Winner TV... but all the way until the end of February...

8. [+289, -17] I'm trusting you.. ㅜㅜ You won't delay it, right?
