Who will be the next girl group queen?

Article: Girl group competition, who will be the next queen after SNSD?

OSEN via Naver

1. [+206, -20] The biggest reason SNSD was able to maintain their spot at the top for several years now is because they always came up with new concepts while everyone else was going for provocative, sexy concepts... The same concept will obviously get boring after a while and everyone knows that sexy concepts only cut the lifespan of girl groups.

2. [+160, -9] Is this Girl's Day media play? The digital market is getting smaller and less reliable. Just because you do well on the charts doesn't guarantee success since you need to do well in physical sales as well. Sexy concepts for girl groups are also a last resort so anything after that makes the public lose interest.

3. [+161, -16] The only group to overtake SNSD will be another SM girl group. They already have talented trainees and SM is known for the visual department. SM is probably the Seoul Uni of the entertainment world. Even being a trainee under them guarantees you a 99% successful debut.

4. [+142, -6] Girl groups with a lot of skin exposure will never get far...

5. [+144, -14] I guess everyone recognizes that SNSD is at the girl group one top position

6. [+75, -4] I don't think anyone could contend for the top spot if SNSD were to disappear... All of the girl groups these days are just battling to see who can strip the most.

7. [+74, -7] SNSD is at the top because they know how to push and pull... they don't have outright stripping concepts but show enough skin, sometimes cute, sometimes sexy... Outright skin exposure won't get you as far as SNSD.

8. [+59, -5] Seems like just another Girl's Day media play... They're media play often lately. Too bad you girls have nothing going for you other than cheap skin exposure.
