Politicians discuss a reenlistment for celebrity soldiers

Article: [Exclusive] Politicians discuss possibly reenlisting Rain... big controversy to be expected

Newsis via Naver

1. [+10,584, -1,449] Vote up if you agree on a reenlistment~

2. [+8,373, -211] Throw that Boom ba$tard back in too. What kind of a soldier gets 150 days of vacation?

3. [+6,558, -411] If you are going to make them reenlist, put them somewhere hard like the search party.

4. [+5,795, -102] Pretty sure there are a lot of politicians who evaded service as well

5. [+5,641, -642] Finally the politicians do something right for the citizens

6. [+4,815, -355] I hope they'll make every celebrity soldier reenlist, especially Rain. I'd much rather serve twice and receive less hate.

7. [+4,318, -312] They're doing something good for the first time in a while.

8. [+4,066, -181] In before Rain becomes an American citizen


Article: Reps of politician Kim Kwang Jin clarify Rain's reenlistment rumors

Source: TV Daily via Nate

"We are talking about the issue of Rain's reenlistment but our focus is not on that but rather the fact that 10 celebrity soldiers were admitted into the unit despite not having the proper documentation in their applications. The politican is not working to force a reenlistment but rather bring the topic to the table. The final decision is up to the Ministry."

1. [+764, -66] Honestly, Rain, Boom, Sangchu, and Se7en are... disgusting.

2. [+731, -81] Just volunteer to reenlist instead of thinking of coming out on TV and acting all masculine ㅡㅡ

3. [+528, -46] One's for Rain, one's for Sangchu and 7~ ^^
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