Super Junior saves an awkward event

Reader request.


Article: 'Forget the noob events' Super Junior's unique skills that make hosting unneeded

Newsen via Nate

Article talks about how Super Junior had an SBS ESPN host for their 'Super Show 4 3D' who seemed uncomfortable and kept making mistakes but the members covered for her by joking around and making the audience laugh. They played the roles of host, security, fan manager, etc, even asking their fans to quiet down every time they screamed. There weren't mics prepared for the reporters either but the members went with it and wrapped it up to a successful closing.

1. [+353, -77] They're all ajusshis now... They should change their name to Super Uncle.

2. [+285, -102] I know that a lot of groups get into messes these days (and I'm not saying that's good) but this is an article about Super Junior saving a wreck of an event so why not give them some praise? I agree that their songs are all similar and not all that great to listen to but that's not their fault. They actually bring in a lot of money like KARA, Soshi, and 2PM from overseas.

3. [+274, -100] I get that you guys hate Super Junior but why would you want to talk about the army and everything in an article like this? ㅋㅋㅋ They deserve praise for being able to cover for all of the mistakes of their event hosts ㅋㅋ You have to admit Super Junior is good at MCing

4. [+38, -28] Hello, we are Super Public Service!

5. [+27, -16] They're pros for a reason

6. [+24, -11] These things come from age and experience ㅋㅋㅋ Do well SJ!

7. [+15, -6] Ryeowook looks like a kid wearing his dad's suit
