Hani criticized for overly casual wedding guest outfit

Article: Debate over Hani's 'wedding guest' outfit... casual clothes, casual pose

Source: TV Report via Nate

[+128, -31] Eh, everyone knows a wedding is attended by a lot of adults, I feel like dressing like this to your friend's wedding is hurting their image... There's a reason people always say to dress for the occasion

- [+14, -2] And just look at that pose, sigh

- [+14, -4] This is what people mean when they ask if you were raised in a barn

[+56, -12] She's so weird. I always feel like she goes out of her way to look so cool and free spirited but it feels fake to me

[+54, -23] The bride will be treasuring these pictures forever, if this is how you're going to behave, you may as well not have gone at all

[+43, -5] This is how I dressed to walk my dog yesterday ㅋㅋㅋ

[+17, -29] Well, it looks like this was taken in the bride's waiting room, which is where you take photos with your closest friends, so 

[+3, -0] She was just there for the food, I suppose ㅎ

[+3, -5] Everyone looks happy, people need to mind their own business. Nitpicking over someone's wedding guest outfit of all things...

[+3, -5] Ugh so suffocating just thinking of the scrutiny celebrities have to live under

[+2, -0] This isn't an issue with "oh, she's just a tomboy".. this is a matter of respect. It'd be fine if the bride was okay with it but I think I'd be disappointed as the bride if my friend showed up like this.

[+2, -3] There are ajusshis who show up in the same outfits they went hiking in, Hani looks clean and fine. 

[+1, -1] If her friend is fine with it, then nothing else matters, especially not our third party opinions
