Just how bad is ramyeon for you?

Article: Eating ramyeon too often is bad for your gut?

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

[+1,605, -69] I don't care what the studies say, ramyeon is a blessing to the poor and hungry. What other dish can you buy for 1,000 won that gives you as much joy and fullness as a packet of ramyeon?

[+911, -16] Ramyeon is basically just flour... if you're going to call it bad, then call everything else bad, too, like bread, cookies, crackers, pastries..

[+414, -27] Ramyeon is one of the best foods in the world that you can get for the least amount of money

[+82, -2] Then cultures where flour is their main food source should have melting guts right now... ridiculous data

[+46, -0] My father had a bowl of noodles every single day for his whole life and lived a long 88 years

[+36, -2] I never believe studies that demand managing your diet like this. It's all genetics. I've seen vegetarians suffer from intestinal cancer because it runs in the family, and I've seen people eat ramyeon all their life and still live a long and healthy life.

[+31, -1] We live in a world full of people who drink alcohol and abuse drugs, you think I'm worried about ramyeon? ㅜㅜ Sometimes knowing too much is a disease in itself. Eating delicious things is one of the few joys in life, and we're not on this earth for that long anyway ㅜㅜ

[+24, -1] Living a long life is a bigger concern for me

[+23, -1] There's a grandpa who was on TV for eating ramyeon for three meals a day for 40 years and he's still alive and kicking! Eat your ramyeon, guys!

[+24, -6] I'm a 62 year old woman whose had ramyeon and instant coffee every morning for the past 30 years. My health results come back normal. From personal experience, it doesn't seem that harmful. But of course, I don't eat excessively in other areas ^^

[+18, -0] I mean, there's that one grandpa who lived till 90 eating ramyeon every day for 48 years. It seems like it's up to your genetics in the end...

[+9, -2] Yes, both ramyeon and bread are made from flour but ramyeon is fried in oil and bread usually has added sugar in it. Europeans eat bread as a main but they rarely ever add sugar to it. 

[+8, -2] To the hungry, ramyeon is a gift from heaven. 

[+6, -0] You can live a life abstaining from meat while only eating veggies and fruits and still get cancer. I bet worrying about all of this stuff will add more stress to your life, and stress is worse for your health!
