French newspaper pens negative review of Black Pink's concert

Article: "Black Pink, the worst summer concert" negative review in French newspaper, why?

Source: Han via Naver + Naver

[+206, -8] It did seem like they were dancing a bit lazily

[+110, -2] The very least you can do when you throw a concert is not make your fans feel like it was a waste of their money. Don't hold concerts if you're just doing it to kill some time for the money.

[+89, -38] Black Pink was #1 on French search rankings all day after they had their concert, and even had encores, too. All of the reviews called it the best concert of their lives. Why exaggerate one newspaper that had a negative opinion? So many other media companies like elle France and Franceinfo praised them... and all this takl about how there were empty seats, you can just watch a few clips and see that it was filled to the brim. And from the way the reviewer mentioned what kind of clothes the fans were wearing, I can see what type of journalist they are ㅋㅋㅋ

[+50, -5] Arrogant Parisians~ I remember when American pop stars were all the rage in the '70s and '80s and French teens were going crazy over them, France acted like they were turning their noses up! and called it cheap American pop culture.

[+46, -9] It's imperative that you manage yourself even more when you're at the top but seeing Jennie these days makes me think she's on the downfall

[+46, -9] The French are arrogant and will always hate on K-Pop while praising their own

[+33, -7] I don't see why it's so wrong for the newspaper to think that. It's not like everyone has to be forced to like K-Pop. It's not like these groups sing live. They're basically up there to dance and lip sync. We may be used to that since that's how our idol culture is but to people who aren't K-Pop fans, it's probably a negative for them. Just acknowledge the differences. 

[+20, -2] Yeah, it wasn't it. I was a bit embarrassed. The perfection that they had in their debut days are long gone. They lack rehearsal training, communication between the members... It was a concert that showed that the members haven't been rehearsing together enough, especially after rumors of Lisa not renewing. Jisoo's skills, as always, never seem to improve, and it's not even anything worth mentioning anymore.

[+17, -4] Not sure why this group was ever popular ㅋㅋ

[+16, -4] I am starting to see signs of laziness. I'm just looking forward to Baby Monster to become the next sensation. 

[+12, -0] Just go look at Beyonce's concert videos on YouTube. The scale, the ideas... K-Pop is still growing so it's understandable that we can't throw concerts of that scale but at least hire some real experts in to up the quality a bit. I've seen a lot of the BP concert clips around and... they've lost their roots. It's apparent that they haven't been rehearsing enough. If we can see it, then imagine what the experts are seeing...

[+7, -0] As is always the case with this industry, idol replacements are waiting around the corner. The time has come for this group.

[+8, -2] Anyone who's vacationed in France will know how racist the French are to Asians...

[+7, -2] So basically, Parisians with all their arrogance refuse to let something like K-Pop outshine them.

[+5, -1] They really are bad at singing, though

[+5, -1] No point in paying any mind to some old fart at a French newspaper

[+5, -1] Black Pink's a disappointment

[+4, -0] I blame the agency for working them like this without considering their health or condition. No wonder Lisa doesn't want to renew. They're treated like money-making machines.
