French media singles out Jennie's lack of professionalism at Black Pink concert

Article: "The worst Black Pink concert" French newspaper singles out Jennie for negatvive review

Source: The Joongang via Naver

[+2,124, -46] There are so many talented juniors who are working their way to the top, and yet she doesn't feel any sense of crisis or urgency about her career anymore

[+1,062, -28] Honestly, she's overrated

[+736, -16] Does YG not make them rehearse anymore? Does Yang Hyun Suk think Black Pink has built up enough of a name that they don't have to practice anymore? Even at their last concert, Jennie wasn't keeping up with the choreography and basically just giving everything half her usual effort. Maybe YG is coddling them, saying you guys are big enough now where you can make big money for minimal effort, while singers of other agencies are practicing until their bones turn to dust to give every single stage their all. It's over for BP now.

[+292, -17] Not like K-Pop was ever really about the music anyway, it's all just eye candy...

[+213, -31] Wouldn't Jisoo really be the member that has the least presence anyway? Stiff dancing, no vocals, can't rap, can't speak English... just a pretty face with some autotune for the few lines that she has. She doesn't get any hate because she lacks any presence as it is~

[+166, -3] Seems like it's always Jennie that causes people to say things about her on stage

[+156, -5] Their contracts are up to expire, so now her dancing is lazy... Makes you appreciate how SNSD displayed knife-sharp choreography until the very end.

[+143, -1] K-Pop really needs to step it up with the manners towards their audience. Wake up because it's only a moment for it to all come crumbling down.

[+131, -7] I've always been curious why she was popular at all...

[+106, -1] It's not the first time Jennie's been caught on stage getting choreography wrong or looking completely spaced out. People pay expensive money for these tickets and yet she's always behaving in a way that invites these criticisms.

[+122, -19] Maybe something's wrong with my eyes but I'll never understand how she's popular. She speaks like she's slow in the head.. and Jisoo is the better visual, no?..

[+89, -1] Honestly, when I first heard Jisoo's 'Flower,' I was shocked that such a bad song was top in the rankings

[+81, -1] It's inevitable that she was going to get lazy when she's already making good money just being luxury ambassador to big brands. No need to be a singer anymore~ 

[+83, -6] All these excuses about her poor stamina are just that, pathetic excuses. She needs to work on building her stamina out of consideration for the people who are paying big money to come see her perform. It's only a two-hour concert with breaks in between and no encores, how can you not pull that off unless you think of your fans as nothing but ATMs??

[+71, -1] She's always walking off stage, it's become a habit now... she did it before, too. Maybe this is where the buck stops for her career.

[+74, -6] 420,000 won tickets for a two-hour concert and not one encore? Yeah, they took the audience for fools. I wonder what even makes her think she can be that arrogant? 

[+60, -1] Jennie is not professional enough.. I remember seeing a clip where there was a bug on stage and she stopped performing and gave a nasty face..
- [+8, -0] That forced crying face ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ she reacted like some 6 year old baby

[+48, -1] Black Pink is as good as disbanded now. It's obvious they're looking to split ways, so I doubt they've been rehearsing together lately at all since there's no point anymore. They probably figured that it's best to kill some time with these concerts and make some money until their contracts are done for good.

[+46, -1] I knew Jennie would end up with news like this with the way she's been behaving
