Delta processes refund for Hyeri's flight fiasco

Article: Delta downgraded Hyeri from first class -> economy, responds to controversy with refund

Source: Chosunv via Naver

[+1,153, -5] Delta has always been consistent with their actions. She's lucky they didn't beat her off the plane, if anything.

[+512, -3] Delta's worse than even the cheapest Korean airlines in our country

[+279, -9] A refund isn't even enough, which they didn't even initially offer. They should further compensate her for her losses. I won't be using Delta next time.

[+193, -3] Poor treatment of customers has always been Delta's tradition, and it seems they're upholding those traditions to this day.

[+131, -3] Ugh, all the fees involved with having to cancel and switch flights around is such a headache. Overbooking needs to be banned as a practice.

[+116, -0] I can't imagine how many non-celebrities had to just eat the costs... She's lucky she's famous enough for this to make the news, because I bet you that those Delta staff just saw her as some easy Asian woman to rip off. 

[+64, -0] I don't even understand how overbooking is a thing? It makes sense to have a waitlist and call people from the waitlist to take tickets for no-shows, but why would you blatantly sell one seat to two parties? That's just asking for trouble. 

[+59, -0] Delta is just a plain thief for thinking they can forcefully downgrade a customer and then refuse to refund until she spoke up about it. 

[+51, -3] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Ridiculous ㅡㅡ I wonder if she's only even getting a refund because she's a celebrity?

[+43, -1] I hope Delta never sells another ticket in Korea again. Companies like this deserve to go bankrupt.

[+18, -3] Oh~ the influence of Hyeri~ because I bet Delta would've barely listened to a complaint from a nobody~ thumbs up to Hyeri for speaking up.
